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November 21-27, 2019

Grand Palais - Paris
salon revelations biennale des metiers d'art grand palais paris

IMG_20190514_121401 (2)
artisan bijoutier salon revelations grand palais paris

bague de createur en or et tourmaline granulation
bague Roma et tourmaline

Grand Palais - Paris
salon revelations biennale des metiers d'art grand palais paris

Revelations 2019
23-27 May 2019
Paris - Grand Palais
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Bague granulation - argent et topaze

Exposition - Sophie etc...

Bague granulation - argent et topaze
Rings exhibition
June 15-July 15, 2019
Sophie gallery etc ...
2, rue Gambey - Paris 12
Lisbon by light
Sep 2018

vanity dec 18

Bague Rom,a - or et tourmaline

vanity dec 18
Vanity Fair UK
December 2018
Precious Metal
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Roma Ring with pink Tourmaline

Rings exhibition
Goutte de Terre Gallery
Oct. 2017

Exhibition - Porto - Portugal
Nov. 2016
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